Twin Cities Mom Collective

The Truth About the Mom I Am Right Now

The truth about the mom I am right now is that what looks perfectly cohesive on the outside is actually a pieced together map for my own survival in motherhood. It’s how I’ve found my own stability and strength. It is what works for my family and me; it is my vulnerability and happiness all at the same time. The truth about the mom I am right now is that I am with both imperfections and joy.

Not super mom.

Not perfect.

Not balanced.

Not faking it.

This is the truth about the mom I am right now.

The mom I am right now is busy and doing many things but not all of them very well.

The mom I am right now loves when my kids want breakfast for dinner. I breathe a sigh of relief when I pour them a bowl of cereal and can just sit down.

The mom I am right now has a guest room completely filled with unfolded clean laundry.

The mom I am right now is both excited to work outside the home but sad in my heart that I spend the day away from my children.

The mom I am right now takes time to exercise, not to be skinny but to keep both mentally and physically strong.

The mom I am right now is completely sleep deprived because of my kids but I’m secretly sad for the night they stop wandering in my room.

The Truth About the Mom I Am Right Now | Twin Cities Moms Blog

Photo: Sarah Hudson Photography

The mom I am right now fears the speed of your childhood and wants you to slow down, child.

The mom I am right now hates to hear “Mom” screamed on repeat.

The mom I am right now is dependent on dry shampoo.

The mom I am right now throws away rouge Legos, Barbie shoes and small plastic pieces. The mom I am right now is constantly cleaning.

The mom I am right now knows better than to ask, “How was school today?” I need to be creative and let the opportunities open for my kids to share and be listening because they don’t come often.

The mom I am right now hides the good candy.

The mom I am right now gets to school early to watch my kids on the playground to see what they are like when I’m not there.

The mom I am right now wants more time in the day because I stay up way too late trying to get everything done.

The mom I am right now knows and respects the importance of taking time alone.

The mom I am right now buys Target cupcakes for birthdays and refuses to buy party favors.

The mom I am right now drives a very dirty and old minivan and I love it.

The mom I am right now rewards myself with coffee and bagel breakfast sandwiches.

The mom I am right now does really crazy things to impress my children like jumping off the high dive and riding a zip line at the pool.

The mom I am right now knows time is my most valuable asset and investment.

The beauty of my truth in motherhood is that it is always changing based on the reality of today.

The mom I am right now is different than the mom I will be tomorrow. Much like the speed in my children’s growth, my motherhood changes rapidly too. Tomorrow the mother I am will be different from the mom I am a year from now.

The beauty is that as moms we are just right, not perfect, but just right for what our children need right now.

What is your truth about the mom are you right now?

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Jaime March 16, 2016 at 3:54 PM

I love this! It has been both my greatest challenge and my most incredible Joy to be the mom I am right now. And to learn to enjoy all of those moments – the good and the not-so-good. Thank you for always putting this journey into such beautiful words.

Alice March 24, 2016 at 4:43 PM

Thank you so much for reading, Jaime! And the mom we are now changes so fast, too. For now, we are who we are as moms and need to extend ourselves grace, love and acceptance.

Annie March 16, 2016 at 5:16 PM

Wow – we have a lot in common! Loved the comment about the minivan…that van takes us to the beach, garage sales, and everywhere else & we don’t have to be so careful. Plus, there’s plenty of room for friends! A fun read!

Alice March 24, 2016 at 4:40 PM

Thanks Annie, I’m so thankful you connected to this post! Honestly, I cried when I got my minivan!! I didn’t have kids and didn’t want one, but now I LOVE it!

Wendy March 16, 2016 at 9:42 PM

Bagel sandwiches are everything.

Alice March 24, 2016 at 4:39 PM

Right?!? It is the little rewards that keep me going!


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