Twin Cities Mom Collective

My Best Advice: 6 Nuggets of Wisdom for Moms

Advice is such a strange thing. It is often shared with us when we don’t really want it, and then it can be absent when we desperately need guidance.  There are all different kinds of advice. There’s bad advice. There’s good advice given at the wrong time. And then there’s the good advice. These nuggets of wisdom stick with you and pop into your mind unprompted and perfectly timed. This is the advice we cherish, put into action and share with others. 
My Best Advice: 6 Nuggets of Wisdom for Moms | Twin Cities Moms Blog

6 Nuggets of Wisdom for Moms

During my years as a mom, I’ve sought out and received a lot of advice. Making the most of this advice has been an art, but one thing I’ve learned is that good advice should be treasured and passed on. I’m excited to pass onto you the nuggets of wisdom shared with me by moms and non-moms alike. 

Assume positive intent

My husband learned this mantra at a work training, and it has guided our family ever since. This phrase challenges us to assume the good behind people’s actions. A family member’s comment hits a nerve? Assume it wasn’t meant to hurt. A friend cancels at the last minute? There’s probably more to the story. This advice reminds me to assume that others are trying to do good – even if circumstances don’t always allow that good to come through.

It only takes one

During times of change, I’m guilty of assuming that things won’t easily work out. When I was searching for a new job, my mother-in-law offered this perspective: It just takes one. I didn’t need 12 job offers; I just needed one good one. Similarly, during our house search, we just needed one offer to be accepted. This simple phrase reminds me that often times one opportunity is more than enough.

You’ll hear what you need to hear

My mom offered this advice during a period when sitting through church with my son was challenging. She reassured me that despite the distractions I would hear what I needed to hear. She was right. Somehow I heard nuggets of spiritual wisdom during those tough toddler years. And today, when my son distracts me – both at church and beyond – I fret less about what I miss and trust I will hear what I need to hear.  

Your first reaction is not your final decision 

I read this wise advice in a parenting book. It coached parents not put too much weight in kids’ first reaction to something new. Ironically, I apply this advice to myself more than my son. I now give myself permission to change my mind. When decisions or new circumstances come my way, I remind myself that my first feelings shouldn’t necessarily dictate my final decision.

Focus on your accomplishments

Like most moms, my to-do list often feels never-ending. At night, the thoughts of everything left to do swirl around in my mind. Advice from a co-worker helped me to change this internal monologue. Instead of stressing about what was left to do, she encouraged me to focus on what I DID get done. The small shift helps bring me peace, encouragement and a sense of accomplishment at the end of the day. 

Things look better in the morning

I personally don’t like the advice to “never go to bed angry.” The mantra that resonates better with me is: Things always look better in the morning. When the day ends in anger, sadness or frustration, I take comfort in the fact that tomorrow will likely bring more clarity. And often it does. While the problems don’t go away overnight (although sometimes they do), I have a better perspective and more energy to tackle them the next day. 
What about you? What is the best advice you have received? I’d love to hear the nuggets of wisdom that have stuck with you!

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1 comment

Michelle Chambers August 1, 2018 at 1:02 PM

Great Advice Rachel!! It kind of goes hand in hand with a favorite book from long ago…all I ever needed to learn learned in kindergarten. Seems that the simple ideas “stick” better…
“Most of what I really need to know about how to live and and what to do and how to be I learned in kindergarten. Wisdom was not at the top of the graduate school mountain, but there on the sand pile at Sunday School. These are the things I learned:
Share everything.
Play Fair.
Don’t hit people.
Put things back where you found them.
Clean up your own mess.
Don’t take things that aren’t yours.
Say your sorry when you hurt somebody.
Wash your hands before you eat.
Warm cookies and cold milk are good for you.
Live a balanced life- learn some and think some and draw and paint and sing and dance and play and work every day some.
Take a nap every afternoon.
When you go out into the world, watch out for traffic, hold hands and stick together
Be aware of wonder.”…R. Fulghum

Here’s to “sticking together”


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