Twin Cities Mom Collective

From My Favorite Corner: Father’s Day

from the owner's desk

Have you checked out our newest, regular series, written by our Founder? This week’s edition touches on struggles, and how we all face our own.

It’s Father’s Day, and while I could go on and on about my own dad, this quote from one of the articles linked below, A Thank You Note to All the Good Dads, really says it best.

Most of all, thank you for being there. Your presence in our children’s lives is a gift that will forever shape their character and the success they’ll have in society. You being there matters. You matter, and we want to thank you from the depths of our hearts for being a good dad. We know not everyone is so lucky, that you are a rare treasure, and that we should never take you for granted.

All the great dads deserve a special day too, and we hope you enjoy yours.

My desk is my new favorite corner of our home. It’s my little haven, a place of rest that is personalized just for me, and no one else. It’s also the place I get to dig into our writer’s articles, do a little dreaming for TCMB events and even a little dreaming for myself. Our writers truly put a lot into their articles and we want to be sure you get a chance to see them more often!

Each Sunday, I’ll be sharing a few thoughts and a handful of articles on a specific theme. We’ve had well over 40 writers total in our 2+ years in action and the wisdom, knowledge and tips they’ve shared is wide!

To read other posts in this series, each of which are a round-up of posts on a specific topic, click HERE.

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