Twin Cities Family
All Day

Flannel Fest Forager | South St. Paul

South St. Paul South St. Paul

Get those snow boots and gloves out! We’re going on a quest! Monday, January 20th, the first clue of the snow series medallion hunt will be released at noon. Subsequent clues will be released each day at noon through January 25th, or until the medallion has been found. Check out...

Pizza Art! | Tinker and Nudge

Join us for a fun morning of paper pizza crafts! Kids will explore collage, drawing, and painting. We'll talk about texture, shape, and form while creating playful pizzas! This class will take a short snack break. Please send a labeled water bottle and a nut-free snack. Dress for mess! Drop-off...


Snowman Building Experience | Lowell Park

Lowell Park; Downtown Stillwater Riverfront Gazebo

Do you want to build a snowman?? The kids have the day off of school for Martin Luther King Day so bring them to Lowell Park for a fun filled day of showing off their snowman building skills! The snow slide will be open, and the concession tent will be...

Kids MLK Day Pickleball Clinic | Smash Park Roseville

7 Family-Friendly Farms Around the Twin Cities

Registration Fee: $25.00 Mon, Jan 20, 12:30 pm to 1:45 pm Let your child explore a new sport! Our Kids Clinics teach the basics from paddle grip to scoring, serving, and safety. PLUS receive a $10 arcade card and a Smash Park Lunch when you register! 📆 Date: Monday, Jan...


Kids MLK Day Pickleball Clinic | Smash Park Roseville

7 Family-Friendly Farms Around the Twin Cities

Registration Fee: $25.00 Mon, Jan 20, 12:30 pm to 1:45 pm Let your child explore a new sport! Our Kids Clinics teach the basics from paddle grip to scoring, serving, and safety. PLUS receive a $10 arcade card and a Smash Park Lunch when you register! 📆 Date: Monday, Jan...


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