Twin Cities Family

Melanie Lowin

Melanie Lowin - 14 Posts - 8 Comments
Raised, but not born, in Milwaukee, Melanie moved to Minneapolis in 2002 for college, and has called it her home ever since. True to her heritage, she is both a Gophers fan and a Packers fan. She is a scrunchy mother of two children and too many cats. With a master’s degree in nonprofit management and bachelor’s degree in family social science, she spent over a decade working with domestic violence survivors and legal nonprofits. She is currently on hiatus from her career as a nonprofit director while working for the most demanding bosses ever–a four-year-old girl and two-year-old boy. When Melanie had free time, she enjoyed 90’s alt-rock, horror movies, gourmet cooking, running, traveling, doing yoga, and reading murder mysteries. Now, you can find Melanie attempting photography, enjoying Netflix, and pairing tantrums with wine. You can learn more about Melanie’s parenting journey, Giada-like cooking, Martha-like organization and more on her blog Footprints & Tantrums {}, Facebook {@footprintsandtantrums}, Instagram {@footprints_and_tantrums}, and Twitter {@Foot_Tantrums}.

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