Twin Cities Mom Collective

3 1/2 Year Olds Are No Joke!

I feel like I’ve been dropping all.the.things lately. And then quickly realized oh yes, yes, I have! Because my son turned 3 1/2.

Thank God he’s about to be 4 is all I can say. 

Everyone warned me about the terrible twos. “Watch out, just wait until he turns two, you won’t be able to do half the things you’re doing now.” Didn’t see it. At that time we actually decided to have baby number two, plus I took on more work and roles and it was doable. 

3 1/2 Year Olds Are No Joke! | Twin Cities Moms Blog

{Photo Credit: Lauren Marie}

Then everyone warned me about the terrible threes. “Oh just wait until he’s three, you’re going to have to find yourself a nanny.” Yep, still didn’t see it. And I kept waiting for it and waiting for it and…

Then… right smack, dab in the face the HORRIFIC 3 1/2 hit me. And my husband and I were not prepared. 

Mr. Independent right here. 

3 1/2 Year Olds Are No Joke! | Twin Cities Moms Blog

{Photo Credit: Lauren Marie}

We’re still trying to figure it out day-by-day, but luckily he’s about to be 4 and I will say I feel like my sweet Greyson is coming back to me. 

Don’t get me wrong, he is the most loving boy ever and he has the best manners. He tells me I’m pretty, says please and thank you, always gives me a kiss and hugs me non-stop. But the horrific thing about 3 1/2 is that he now knows right from wrong and he knows exactly how to manipulate you and put up a good fight. 

Every morning… he has to dress himself. He picks out his clothes and puts his own socks on. And then, the lumps, ohhh the lumps. There are always lumps in his socks and he totally loses his stuff. It’s a good 10-minute meltdown every morning over the damn socks and I’m frantically trying to get out the door and not be late to everything that I’m always late for.

3 1/2 Year Olds Are No Joke! | Twin Cities Moms Blog

{Photo Credit: Lauren Marie}

Then there’s the not wanting to get in the car to go to school… 

And the saying no to food. He won’t eat anything, besides fruit snacks of course. I can’t get my 3 1/2 year old to eat anything while I can’t buy enough food to keep stocked for our 1 year old. 

Ohhhh and then bedtime is the freaking worst. He brushes his teeth for a good hour, needs 100 drinks of water, 10 stories and then after all that refuses to go to bed. I think this has been the worst out of anything. Prior to 3 1/2, 7-10 pm had been my time to get work done and catch up on all the things. He went to bed at 7 on the dot with no questions asked. 

I “think” life may be getting easier now that 4 is approaching. He’s turning 4 next week and this prior week he went to bed. For the first time in what feels like forever it only took us one hour to get him to bed instead of four. We may or have not have bribed him with presents in the morning. But, whatever, I’ll take it. The bribery never worked before. 

Did you mommas go through hell between 3 1/2 – 4? Give me all the tips! I’ll take it all. And please tell me, is relief around the corner after the big 4 hits?! 

3 1/2 Year Olds Are No Joke! | Twin Cities Moms Blog

{Photo Credit: Lauren Marie}

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